Ye Cheng

Ye Cheng Deputy Director of Nursing Department

SZU General Hospital

Deputy Director of Nursing Department



NAME: Ye Cheng

POSITION TITLE: Deputy Director of the Nursing Department






Huaiyin Health School

Technical secondary school


Nursing Science

Nanjing Medical University

College degree


Nursing Science

Nantong University

Undergraduate degree


Nursing Science

Asia Metropolitan University

Master’s degree

be studying at school

Master in Business Administrations






A. Personal statement

Ye Cheng is the Deputy Director of the nursing department. Ye Cheng is a member of the Standing Committee of the Rehabilitation Nursing Branch of the Guangdong Rehabilitation Medical Association, Member of the Education Committee of the Guangdong Nursing Society, an Expert of the Shenzhen Medical Comprehensive Quality Management Expert Library Nursing Group, and a Clinical Teaching Teacher at the Nursing College of Shenzhen University.

Ye Cheng is engaged in research on rehabilitation nursing and community nursing, and has published four papers, three guidance papers and one national patent as the first or corresponding author. Ye Cheng participated in the Ministry of Health Model Community Confidant Health Management Project.

B. Positions and honors


2016-present: Deputy Director of the Nursing Department,?Shenzhen University General Hospital,?Shenzhen,?China

2012-2016: Deputy Secretary of the Wuxi Changjiang Rehabilitation Hospital,?Jiangsu,?China

2007-2012: Head Nurse,?Wuxi Changjiang Rehabilitation Hospital,?Jiangsu,?China

2004-2007: Deputy Director of the Nursing Department, Sheyang County People’s Hospital, Jiangsu,?China

2001-2004: Deputy Chief of the Medical Department, Health Bureau of Sheyang County, Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu,?China

2000-2001: Head Nurse,?Sheyang County People’s Hospital,?Jiangsu,?China

1992-2000: Nurse,?Sheyang County Peope’s Hospital, Jiangsu,?China



C. Representative publications (selected publications in recent five years ? 5-10篇)

1.Li Renqin, Yang Ting, Cheng Ye. Effect of systematic rehabilitation nursing intervention on clinical effect and quality of life of patients after cardiac valve replacement [J].] World's Latest Medical Information Digest,2019,19(81):259-261.

2. Li Renqin, Yang Ting, Cheng Ye. Effect of home nursing intervention on postoperative clinical effect and quality of life of patients undergoing rheumatic heart valve replacement [J].] World's Latest Medical Information Digest,2019,19(90):259-260.

3.Li Renqin, Lin Min, Yang Ting, Cheng Ye. Effect of rehabilitation nursing intervention on psychological condition and quality of life of patients after cardiac bypass surgery [J].] Electronic Journal of Practical Clinical Nursing,2019,4(41):66+73.

4.Li Renqin, Lin Min, Yang Ting, Cheng Ye. Effect of rapid rehabilitation surgical nursing on postoperative rehabilitation and quality of life of patients undergoing thoracoscopic surgery [J].] Electronic Journal of Applied Clinical Nursing,2019,4(41):70.

5.Li Jing, Shi Lanping, Zhang Qingfeng, Fu Jufang, Cheng Ye. Establishment and Training of Nursing Team of ENT in New Public Third Class Hospital [J].] Continuing medical education in China,2019,11(18):196-198.

D. Research support

Ongoing projects (RMB)(正在进行的科研项目)



